Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Grade is Over! :-(

Thank you Mrs. Miller for a wonderful year of First Grade, we will miss having you next year!


It's become a tradition (2 years now!) that the girls wear matching outfits on the last day of school. We'll see how long they can keep it up. On to 2nd Grade!!!

Big Sister!

Peyton recently took a "Big Sister Preparation" class at Carle. She had a good time and learned how to hold the baby, change a diaper, and swaddle the baby. She also got to take a tour of the postpartum area of the hospital, Mommy enjoyed this's been a while and it has all been redone. I think she is ready to be the Best Big Sister Ever!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Peyton's new room

Peyton waned me to post pics of her new room too, still a little bit of a work in progress but we love it so far.

Nursery update

We started working on the nursery, painted two walls. Weren't going to paint other small walls but now I want to, maybe this weekend! We have some furniture (that we still need to paint also) I'll be sure to keep everyone posted as we do more. I am getting so excited about being a little boy's mommy, I've been having dreams about what he looks like, I'm sure I am way off, can't wait to find out!