Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Looking Back...

As I was browsing through older photos on my computer I came across these pictures of Peyton from Nichole & Mike's wedding. I can't believe how fast time flies, I know she is only 6, but it seems like yesterday she was a tiny baby in my arms. I am sure I will be doing this for the rest of my life wondering where the time goes. I hope this teaches me to embrace every moment of my new baby's life because these moments sure don't last very long! Isn't she so cute??

Overdue Announcement

Well, of course by now everyone knows, but I thought I should make it official and put it out in "Blogworld".....We're having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six years of praying to be blessed with a second miracle, has finally payed off. We will be meeting our newest member at the beginning of August and we could not be more excited!! I will keep everyone updated on all the happenings around here as we prepare for baby #2.

Peyton opened this shirt on Christmas morning, and then wore it all day to tell all of our family the big news! She was so excited and proud to be the one to share our news.

Daddy Daughter Dance

Travis & Peyton went to a Valentine's Day Daddy Daughter Dance with our friends Mike & Isabella. The girls looked so cute and had a great time with their Daddies!