Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Peanut Butter & Chocolate

Ok, so the Peanut butter cup, cookie in a cupcake liners were delicious...I preferred them with no frosting or chocolate on top but to each his own. I was right about seeing them somewhere, Heather had them posted on her Pirates -n- Princesses facebook page and the recipe came from

Today, I realized I still had some peanut butter cookie dough left in the fridge, (would hate to waste it) so I turned to the ever so reliable sweet tooth fairy from, she never disappoints. What do you know on her facebook page she has a link to these peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate and then covered in powdered sugar. Wow, just like the puppy chow treat we all love. Anywho, had to try good! I definitely would recommend these. I cheated, simply baked the PB refrigerated dough, dipped in milk chocolate (skipped the other ingredients) and dipped in powdered sugar...yum!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Ok, so my good friend Nichole brought me a treat on Friday. It was this peanut butter cup, cookie, cupcakey thing, with icing too! It was yummy and I saved part of it because I knew my sweet tooth husband would relish in this treat. That he did. Friday night he tells me we need to make some of those "things" Nichole made. He proceeds to go to the store by the ingredients and hands them to me. Now, we only made a few because for 1, I didn't know how hot or how long to cook them, (Nichole was at work) and 2 they are very rich! They turned out great and he wants me to make him some more today. Why not, what's a few extra calories on top of Pioneer Woman's Chicken Parmesan, and homemade banana cake? Anywho, here is what we did, but I know I have seen these on someone's amazing blog and I can't seem to find them so please someone tell me how these are done and who besides the amazing Nini (Nichole) should receive credit?

Place one peanut butter cup in a cupcake liner, add one mound of PB cookie dough, and bake at 325 for about 15 to 20 minutes. That's it. We even used Pillsbury Simply Peanut Butter refrigerated cookie dough, which are the perfect size for the cupcake liners. Now, Nichole had buttercream frosting on hers, and last night we didn't use any frosting, and today I am going to try drizzling the tops with melted chocolate, we'll see and I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out. Back to baking ttyl.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer 2010 Wrap - Up

Matching Girls on the last day of 2nd Grade
Sleepy Guy
Indianapolis Zoo
Indianapolis Children's Museum
Our visitor, yikes!
Mommy thinks I'm cute!
Girl's Day Out
Father's Day

Peyton turns 8
4th of July
Swim Team
My Baby turns 1!
Summer in a nutshell!

Let the countdown begin...

Can not believe school starts next week, yikes!!! Where oh where has the summer gone? This is our last weekend before Sundays turn into prepare for Monday days and evenings become homework, dinner, bath and bed times. Since I haven't updated my blog since March, I vow to do better this school year with lots of pictures and funny stories to tell, (we'll see) but I really am gonna try! Maybe, I will post a summer wrap up of our busy lives in the next few days. Hey maybe I'll even start posting my "slightly underdomesticated" view of decorating, cooking, baking, with just a sprinkle of crafty party planning. Good luck to all teachers, administrators, and students this 2010/2011 school year...stay cool! :-)